Robin believed she had a broken metabolism when she came to me for weight loss help. She truly thought something was wrong with her and that she wouldn't be able to lose weight.
After one year of working on her habits and mindset, Robin's lost 22 inches! She didn't cut out any foods, she didn't cut her carbs and she will tell you it does not feel like she's on a diet.
Robin's metabolism definitely was not broken.

She was doing diets that only yielded short-term weight loss results. Diets that were miserable and she could never do until she was 85 years old.
Robin was also over exercising by doing too much CrossFit.
Additionally, Robin was falling victim to unsustainable diets because she was addicted to seeing the scale go down and wanted to feel better quickly.
Robin's weight loss story is similar to many mid-life women trying to lose weight that I see in my nutrition practice.
Many women I see in my nutrition practice, like Robin, are confused about what they should be focusing on with food and exercise and unfortunately, no one teaches women what things we should be focusing on for healthy aging and a healthy weight.
In this Dish On Ditching Diets podcast episode, you will hear about Robin's journey before working with me and during.
Robin shares why she doesn't feel like she's on a diet and the surprising thing that was really broken in her journey (hint - it was not a broken metabolism!).
She explains how she has lost 22 inches in a year and her advice to other women on a weight loss journey!
Robin has many tidbits of helpful advice to any woman over 35 who's trying to lose weight and feels their metabolism is broken.
Enjoy this weight loss podcast episode!
In this Dish On Ditching Diets Podcast Episode, You Will Hear:
- What Was Really Broken For Robin (Hint - It Wasn't Her Mindset!)
- Past Diets Robin Did That Only Worked Short Term
- How Robin Lost 22 Inches In A Year Without Dieting
- What Robin Eats to Lose Weight & The Components She Looks For In Her Plate
- The Mindset Shifts Robin Had To Make To Lose 22 Inches
- Why It's a Turtle Race Not A Bunny Race
- Robin's Advice To Other Women Struggling With Weight Loss
Never Miss An Episode! Subscribe to the Dish On Ditching Diets Podcast on Apple, Stitcher, Spotifyor Amazon Music
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