It's not about the food! My client Kristin who's 70, could always lose weight but she never could maintain it. She learned in weight loss coaching that her weight loss issues had nothing to do with food.
Kristin had been dieting since she was a child when her grandmother and mother began putting her on diets, diet pills and restricting the foods she could eat. She was always treated differently than the other kids.
For Kristin, losing weight was always grim and full of deprivation.
Shortly thereafter, Kristin went on Weight Watchers. She actually tried to do Weight Watchers when she was pregnant with her first child. Thankfully, they told her pregnancy was not the time to diet.
After Kristin had her first baby and was nursing, she went on Weight Watchers. Ate very few points, she got really thin and lost every ounce of muscle she had she said.
She couldn't maintain her weight loss and after multiple pregnancies later on, she found herself still searching for how to take care of her body and lose weight.
If she ate treats while also eating nutritious foods that made her feel good, she would always think she did something wrong and that she shouldn't be eating those treats.
Kristin felt as if she had to eat perfectly or else she would fail.
Later on, Kristin did Noom and while she lose weight, Noom did not teach her how to maintain her weight loss. Kristin said "Noom became another money making gimmick."
She would feel guilty when she decided to splurge on ice cream with her family, and felt like a loser for not being able to be perfect all the time with how she ate and the choices of food she ate.
In all her years of dieting, Kristin never learned how to maintain her weight loss.
She was never happy with restriction and with cutting out certain types of foods, but she was stuck in the belief that dieting had to mean restriction.
Kristin felt miserable feeling as though there was something wrong with her. She was so stressed about trying to be perfect all the time.
By the time Kristin found me and scheduled a free consultation to discuss weight loss coaching, she felt scared fearing she would be signing up for something again where she would be judged.
She knew she needed support to help her get out of the fear of eating like normal again and stop restricting.
Kristin shares with you her weight loss journey from the time she was a child until she began working with me in her 70's. She explains what she learned during weight loss coaching and how she realized it's not about the food.
Additionally, she explains how her perfectionism, negative self talk and fear of not restricting certain foods were the real barriers to her losing weight and keeping it off permanently.
As a nutritionist, I've now been working for 11 years with midlife women to lose weight and I can confidently say it is not about the food.
If you have been struggling with your weight, your relationship with food, perfectionism, negative self talk then food is not the real problem. Often, midlife women believe food is the issue when it is a symptom of many other things.
Unfortunately, diets only focus on the food. But it is never about the food.
I hope you enjoy listening to Kristin's Dish On Ditching Diets podcast and her advice to you!
In this Dish On Ditching Diets Podcast Episode, You Will Hear:
- Kristin's Weight Loss Story Since She Was A Child
- Why Kristin Says It's Not About The Food
- What Kristin Learned Was The Real Missing Ingredient In Her Journey
- How Kristin Healed Her Relationship With Food & Ate Things She Loved Like A Blizzard & Lost Weight
- How Kristin Learned To Maintain Weight, Not Just Lose It
- Kristin's Advice For Midlife Women Like Her
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