Want to know the secret to menopause weight loss? I'm sharing 4 secrets with you about losing weight during menopause and peri-menopause, red flags to watch out for during fat loss and a dose of tough love!
I created this podcast episode because so many women have been sending me messages recently telling me how difficult it is to lose weight in menopause.
Many women are frustrated (rightfully so!) and confused about menopause weight loss and peri-menopause too. In this episode, I will help clarify the confusion and point out the things I commonly see clients doing that is making it HARDER for them to achieve menopausal weight loss sustainably and permanently.
By the time clients come to me, they have generally been chronically dieting most of their lives or for many years. Now in menopause, these women are noticing it's extremely difficult to lose weight. They also notice the things they did in the past to lose weight, no longer work.
The problem for a lot of women is no longer a calorie problem. It's a metabolic adaptation problem. The last time I saw a client who wasn't chronically under eating was NEVER, and that is a real problem from the metabolism's standpoint if you're trying to lose fat.
The first and second time you diet eating way less and exercising more works. Eventually it stops working though because you've trained your metabolism to run off very few calories and now in order to lose weight you would have to eat even less.
Calories in and calories out work until they don't work anymore.
The weight will be stubborn to come off because of the stress response on the HPA axis and the ripple effect this has on the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and other hormones. Not to mention you will feel pretty awful with low energy.
The chronic dieting and metabolic adaptation really shows up in a big way during menopause. The good news is there is a solution to all this and a way to get your metabolism to adapt up so that it releases weight more effortlessly!
This is exactly what I work on with clients, like my client Deb who lost weight by eating more food and tamed her sugar cravings during menopause while losing fat!
The truth is the metabolic adaptation and chronic dieting are the real problems and working with an expert is key to helping you figure this out. Remember if you're not losing fat during menopause or the weight is stubborn to come off with extreme things you have a problem.
Most women are trying to solve this problem on their own by dieting harder and exercising more. For many of these women, they begin beating themselves up and talking negatively towards themselves. They start binging and restricting because they see nothing is working.
Instead of continuing to suffer and figure it out on your own, maybe it's time to get the help you need. Just a thought!
You can start by listening to this podcast episode where I share with you the 4 secrets to menopause weight loss (that also apply during peri-menopause) PLUS the red flags to watch out for during weight loss.
In this Dish on Ditching Diets Podcast Episode, You Will Hear:
- 4 Secrets To Menopause Weight Loss
- How Chronic Dieting Has Made Weight Loss More Difficult
- What To Do Instead of Eating Less + Exercising More to Heal The Metabolism
- Red Flags To Watch Out for During Weight Loss
- A Dose of Tough Love!
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