Hormonal Weight Loss Coaching for women over 35! We've all heard that losing weight is eating less and exercising more. Unfortunately, it's not that simple and if you're a women over 35 you likely know it's not as easy as it was to lose weight as it may have been when you were younger.
Changing hormones during perimenopause and menopause which I talk about in my free weight loss class, make the body more stress sensitive and weight loss is a stress on the body. Exercise and eating less is stress.
Most women are also living very stressful lifestyles. All this stress compounded by years, often decades of dieting and trying to lose weight, leads to a stressed out metabolism that is very resistant to weight loss.
What I find with all my female clients over 35 is that they are actually doing things that are putting more stress on their metabolism making it HARDER for them to lose weight. They are working against their own body.
I also find my clients are not fueling their bodies consistently with high quality food which creates the perfect storm for a more resistant metabolism during perimenopause and menopause.
During this phase of life, deficiencies in key nutrients will show up in a really big way and it's quite common for me to see clients with low libido, poor sleep, poor digestion, inflammation, mood swings, intense cravings and really bad energy.
This is because many women unconsciously are in patterns of skipping meals or eating meals really deficient in key nutrients like protein and fiber. They are in cycle of eating very little then overeating. The metabolism hates this!
Hormonal weight loss coaching is learning how to eat and move your body in a way that works with your metabolism at this phase of life. The most amazing thing I see with my clients is their energy goes up, they sleep better, digestion is better, mood is better and they have more stable hunger and cravings.
In this Hormonal Weight Loss Coaching Dish on Ditching Diets podcast episode, you will hear:
- Why doing what you did to lose weight in the past no longer works during this phase of life
- The pillars of hormonal weight loss coaching
- Why hormonal weight loss coaching is a smarter approach to lasting weight loss
- How stress plays a role in weight loss and how women are stressing their metabolisms too much
- Who hormonal weight loss coaching is for (if you're ready to start - schedule a session here after listening to see if you're a fit!)
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Hormonal Weight Loss Coaching Transcript
Hello friends, today we're talking about hormone weight loss coaching for women over 35. I frequently receive questions from women asking about my program and how it works.
So I'm going to explain how the program works today, and I'll also drop in the show notes for you a link to my website that has details on how the program works and it includes previous client testimonials as well.
So you can go check that out after you listen to the podcast. Alright, let's dive in!
Hormonal Weight Loss Coaching really is very different from other traditional diet programs out there and even other weight loss programs that exist, and I hear from my clients all the time that this program was very different.
And why they feel it was so successful for them is because it is very different than anything they've ever done. Most people say weight loss is simply about eating less and exercising more.
But what a lot of women find is that after 35 it is more difficult to lose weight or what they have done, maybe when they are in their 20's or early 30's. It just no longer works.
In this coaching program, you focus heavily on your metabolism and doing things at this phase of life to work with the hormonal changes that are occurring in your body during perimenopause and menopause that really will help you drive weight-loss over 35.
Women begin losing progesterone and estrogen until they reach what's called menopause. So during perimenopause, which starts right about at the age of 35, what happens is you have decreased progesterone and volatile estrogen, and that decreased progesterone means your body is much more vulnerable to stress and you have volatile estrogen, meaning that your hunger and cravings are going to be more volatile and your energy is going to be lower.
Now think about this. You're over 35 and these things are happening in your body. They happen to every woman. I now want you to think about this in relation to weight loss because weight loss requires a calorie deficit. So if you're a woman over 35 and you have the goal of weight loss on top of being in perimenopause, you are adding significant stress on your body.
Now, during menopause, you not only have decreased progesterone, but also decreased estrogen, and the decreased estrogen makes you more insulin resistant, which means you're going to have more cravings, particularly for sugar and carbs, and your potential to store fat is greater, particularly around the mid section, the belly.
Now think about all of the history that you have with your own personal weight-loss journey, your own individual diet and exercise. Let's say, you are a woman who's been trying to lose weight for years, maybe even decades, maybe even your whole life.
Think about the stress that this puts on your metabolism, because every time you eat less food than your body needs, you are in a calorie deficit. You are stressing out your body.
Eating less food is stress on the body. So now you're in perimenopause and you are very vulnerable to stress with an already stressed out metabolism because of your diet history. Do you think that might be a problem? Because I really think it is.
The interesting thing is that research tells us that only 12% of Americans are metabolically healthy, 88% are not metabolically healthy, and it's because the standard diet that we eat is high in calories but really deficient in high quality nutrition.
So theoretically, you could eat 1500 calories of donuts, but you're going to feel sluggish and tired and have low-energy and you will have lots of cravings because your body is deficient in high quality nutrition. It's just not getting enough of what it needs and that compounds after years and years and decades and decades of just not focusing on those things.
Now, let's also say, you're a woman who does a lot of cardio and has done a lot of cardio throughout your life. This is also stress on your body, because cardio is a form of stress.
So I hope you're beginning to see how, at this phase of life for women over 35, just eating less food and exercising more, how that approach doesn't work very well and you know you've got these hormonal changes going on in your body.
Plus you have a metabolism that for most women is not metabolically healthy. It's not well primed, what I'd call it, for weight loss due to all the diets you've done in the past, all the approaches you've taken in the past, and your body is really deficient in that high quality nutrition.
What I find is a lot of women are doing these things that are really working against their body at this phase of life. It shows up in a really big way. It may have worked when you were 20, but now it's really going to work against you.
The more stress you put on your body by restricting food and being in calorie deficits too long or exercising too much, not getting enough sleep, not paying attention to physical hunger, not paying to all the other stresses in your life, the more stubborn your body is going to be with releasing weight.
And you know women can really get away with some of this stuff until they hit perimenopause or menopause, and then it really shows up in a big way because the body's like I'm done.
I've had it with you not paying attention to my needs, and now I'm going to make you gain weight, make you hungry or make you crave more sugar and carbs and give you even lower energy and make you more tired all the time because you haven't been paying attention to me.
Every time you want to lose weight you go down this path of eating less, trying to get yourself to exercise more. You cut out your favorite foods and you try to motivate yourself and rely on willpower. This may last a week or two, but in the long run it doesn't work.
This process always backfires and results in gaining weight back and then some. This puts a lot of stress on the metabolism and causes these hormonal imbalances that make you crave more food and cause you to store more fat.
Hormonal weight loss is about improving the metabolism so you can burn more calories at rest and eat to keep your hunger hormones balanced so that you're not hungry all the time. And that's a common symptom that I hear from clients. So here's some of the pillars of hormone weight loss coaching. Hormonal weight loss first of all reduces hunger, weight loss programs, diets, traditional diets, do the exact opposite. The typical diet increases ghrelin, a hunger hormone.
So you always want to eat more food and every time you eat it's an opportunity to give your body instructions on what you want your body to do. Do you want it to store fat? Do you want it to burn fat? Do you want it to release fat? Do you want it to crave more food?
If you don't want to be hungry and you want to control that the hormones that dictates your hunger, then there are certain amounts and types of food you can be eating to dial your appetite and hunger down, and that's what I teach my clients.
How to eat in a way so that they can go 3 to 5 hours in between meals without feeling hungry. And this is a really big difference between hormonal weight loss and traditional dieting. That constant hunger and need to eat goes away and it happens fairly quickly for many of my clients.
The second hallmark of hormonal weight loss is that it reduces or eliminates cravings. With the typical diet, you're always restricting some food or you're fasting right? So, you're giving up carbs, you're giving up sugar, you're giving up flour, you're not eating for a certain period of time, you're not allowed to do something and psychologically it impacts you a lot because it makes you want to eat food more especially the ones that you're cutting out, and then you get really hyper focused on them.
And this is what creates what is called a disordered relationship with food, and your body. Hormonal weight loss insures that you have the right amount of fat, protein and carbs at every meal so that you can control your cravings and they go away.
A lot of clients come to me saying they have sugar cravings or they can't stop eating carbs. They feel like they're a carb or sugar addict. But the problem isn't the sugar and the carbs. The problem is you're not getting enough fat, protein and cabs at every meal. That imbalance is what's setting off your cravings!
In hormonal weight loss, those cravings go away and I work with my clients to develop strategies so that when they do experience cravings or want to eat a fun food, they have a strategy for tackling that.
Ignoring the cookies on the counter or the ice cream calling your name from the freezer is not a good strategy and most of us have learned those strategies through the diets that we've done.
You have to learn to eat these foods in moderation while you're losing weight, otherwise later on, when you do start eating them after you've lost it, you won't know how to do that because you never learned how to do that. And then, you're going to eat them out of control and gain the weight back. So it's kind of like a vicious cycle and I'm sure that you've probably done that before. So we need to stop doing that and we need to learn how to eat those foods in moderation.
A hormonal weight loss approach also increases your energy. This is one of the most amazing things that I see with clients, and pretty quickly they get a really big transformation with their energy. How many times have you gone on a diet and you are just like dragging yourself to make it through the day.
This is because you're cutting out too many foods and not fling your body properly. I have clients in their sixties and seventies who can't believe how much energy they have and how bad their energy was before taking a hormonal weight loss approach.
My ladies are busy women. They have kids, they've got grandkids, they have jobs, volunteers, caregivers. They're juggling a lot in their lives. So when you start to put the right amount and types of fuel in your body and fueling your body with what it really needs, managing your stress, managing your sleep, your energy starts to go up, and with diets we tend to eat way less.
You're cutting out all kinds of food groups and there are studies that show when you are in a prolonged calorie deficit, calorie deficit means you're eating less than what your body needs to survive.
When you are in a prolonged calorie deficit, studies show that your daily movement goes down. So think about the times when you've done a diet. You were eating very little working out and all you wanted to do was lay around. You were tired lot, and this was your body's physiology taking over.
You were not imagining this. Your body was trying to conserve energy by slowing you down, and the female body at any age is wired for survival. That's how the body is wired, so hormonal weight loss turns your energy up. Dieting turns it down.
The last thing hormonal weight loss does is it improves the metabolism and is less stressful on your metabolism. I talk about this a lot with my clients. Females are more resistant to weight loss why? Because the female body is designed for reproduction and to store fat for reproduction.
When you do a diet and cut your calories or kind of don't pay attention to fueling your body with enough food, and you do this really drastically, you're putting a lot of stress on your body and your metabolism, and the good news is, when you take a hormonal weight loss approach, you are not stressing out your metabolism the way that other diets do.
And while it is true that you have to eat in a calorie deficit to lose weight, what's not true is that calories in calories out is just a simple math equation.
What many women do is approach weight loss as if it were just a math equation. They create these huge calorie deficits which freak out their metabolism and their hormones.
So you know you're thinking, oh wow, I should be losing three pounds a week because my online fitness tracker told me so, and then you don't lose the three pounds, and you're wondering why.
The reason why is because it's too large of a deficit and your metabolism and saying no, we're not going to do that, especially if you're someone who has been doing this for many years and decades and your metabolism is already stressed out.
And now you're goin through perimenopause or menopause, and your body is going through these hormonal changes, which adds more stress to the body. Your body is like, no, I'm not going to do this!
With a hormonal weight loss approach we are creating a smaller, more gentle deficit which is a lot more kinder to your metabolism, puts a lot less stress on the body, especially during this phase of life.
So those are the pillars of hormonal weight loss and now you're probably wondering okay. So how does the hormonal weight loss coaching program work? So there's three pillars to the program itself: education and nutrition and mindset / behaviors.
And we work on all of these three pillars at the same time. So the first pillar is education and building a road map, and this is really helping you bust through the nonsense of what to do to lose weight.
I find a lot of women are so confused about weight loss their metabolism, exercise and nutrition, and social media has really contributed to this confusion, because there's a lot of people who are saying a lot of things on social media that aren't true. And as with everything, not everything applies to the same person. Everybody is different.
So somebody may be sharing their journey with Keto or doing something very specific for their body, and you might think that's going to work for me and it doesn't work for you because it's just not a one size fits all type of thing. So I firmly believe in, you know, the saying that if you teach a man the fish he will eat for life. But if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. So if I educate you, you will learn how to keep your weight off for life.
If I just give you a meal plan, you will eat healthy for a day and learn nothing for life. So part of the education process that I give my clients is helping you build a road map as well. I don't tell my clients on day one. Here we go, we're going on this weight loss journey.
I don't do that. I don't say drink this much water, go on an hour walk every day, lift weights four times a week and do this and do that and do that and do it starting right now today. No, that's way too overwhelming! In fact, I have a lot of clients who try to jump to doing that in the beginning and I pull the reins back and I tell them you're not doing that yet and they get mad of me.
But I say we have to do this step-by-step and we're going to guide you to where you need to go. But my job is really to assess where the client has been, what they've done in the past, and I can usually tell, based on their personality what issues are going to come up and how quickly or how slowly we need to go.
So, for example, if you're somebody who's not moving your body, you don't exercise at all right now today. In our first call, I might suggest to you to go on a walk for ten minutes and I'll ask you: how many times a week do you think realistically you can hit that ten minutes, given where you are right now today?
If you're not doing anything, then I might say two or three times a week. That's it, that's where we're going to start. Most people want to go like from zero to a 100. They want to do every single day but that's just not something you can do for the rest of your life.
If it's not something you can do for two or three months consistently, then I'd rather you do two or three times and not seven days, and that's where the coaching can be really helpful. To have somebody realistically guide you step-by-step through the process.
So that's the first pillar is the education, busting through all the nonsense that you have maybe learned about throughout your life and your diet history. And also getting you very clear on what's going to drive weight loss at this phase of life, plus starting to build out that road map. For you the second pillar is nutrition.
Obviously nutrition, the most important thing when it comes to weight loss and the way I work with clients on nutrition is very different from other coaches out there. I don't have clients track calories or macros or do anything like that, but I do work with you to build a nutrition template and that template has portion sizes of different food groups on it and I keep it really really simple for clients.
I tell them eat a half a cup of lean protein and half a cup of carbs and half a cup of fat, something like that, to keep it so super simple. That's an example. That's not a real thing that you should go out and do, by the way, but I'm just trying to give you an idea.
So you've got your three food groups. I give them portion sizes for the three food groups. We talk about how we can put that together, we talk about examples, we look at recipes and figure out how we can tweak those recipes to make it work and you know, honestly, that's usually the best way to do it, because you're not going to want to count calories the rest of your life.
I think that counting calories can be helpful for some types of people, but in my experience most people get really burnt-out doing that and it's a lot easier when you come at it from the portion perspective and really getting to know your food groups, because you're going to have to do that for the rest of your life.
Plating your food, putting recipes together, building things that you're eating when you're outside of the house. So I think that can be a really easy methodology to do that for most people and with my clients don't start off on a one and say here's the breakfast, lunch and dinner and all your snacks go on fourth, and the best of luck to you. I don't do that.
I always start first with building what's called a breakfast template with you, and we start with a basic framework for your breakfast. And then I ask you to start practicing that breakfast and start tracking your hunger in a food journal.
And one of the things that I have found to be very consistent across a 100% of my clients is that they are really disconnected from their physical hunger or they have taught themselves to ignore their physical hunger.
It's the craziest thing that I've ever discovered in my coaching journey. People are not paying attention to their physical hunger and they just have learned throughout the years to ignore whatever their body is telling them. They're hungry and just trying to ignore it. It's crazy! I believe a lot of this comes from diet trauma.
We've done diets in the past and we just learned by following those diets rules to ignore what our body is trying to tell us. I'm a firm believer that your body tells you what it needs and you need to become an expert in learning to hear that feedback from your body.
Because you know if you're just trying to follow the plan and be perfect. You know that in the long run it's always going to backfire on you and at some point you're going to give up.
A lot of women think weight loss is about willpower and you have to have, like this amazing dose of willpower to reach your goals and you have to have the perfect time and the perfect job and the perfect life with nothing that's ever happening. I mean it's so not true.
Really, a lot of this comes down to learning to listen to your body, and so many of us have become so disconnected from this and I hear it all the time and I don't know if I'm really hungry or not, and that is a problem.
That is a very real problem. Before you go out and start tracking calories and macros, you've got to really learn how to listen to your body and especially during this phase of life, when you've got these hormonal changes going on. So the goal is for you to get really good at listening to your body in the beginning.
And like I said, really important at this phase of life, because you've got these hormonal changes that are going on with your body, and so some days you are going to recognize that you need more fuel than other days. Your body is not a perfect calculator that, perfectly, requires the same amount of calories day in and day out, which is why I don't feel just following a calorie number and counting to that amount of calories day in and day out works really well for women over 35.
A really great example of this is the week before menstruating. Most women are hungrier the week before menstruation. But what most women do or have learned to do is to ignore those hunger signals and then they get angry if they eat too much during that time-frame and then they beat themselves up and think that there's something wrong with themselves when really they just don't understand their own body's physiology.
So the truth is, your body does require a little more fuel during that time-frame and it also requires more rest. Learning to listen to your body and do those things is very important, because not every woman is the same right, and I think that if we just follow a diet or we just cut out food groups or we just fast or we just take a supplement, we're missing a lot of stuff that our body is trying to tell us about.
As you practice that breakfast template, as you practice paying attention to your physical hunger and learning to get to know that and also learning how different foods make you feel, as you begin to track things, we begin to build out more of your nutrition, and I also get to see you know where some of the deficiencies are in your nutrition, as well as what's going on with your mindset, which we'll talk about in a second.
With my clients I focus greatly on adding to their diet. I never say you can't eat this or you can't that, and what's always so fascinating is that all of my clients will assume they have to cut out food that they've always considered were bad foods, even though I've said from the very beginning I don't care what you're eating the rest of the day.
I just want you to add these foods to your diet and when I see this happen with clients, I know they have a restrictive mindset, likely from diets that they've done in the past.
So in their heads they have a-list of good and bad foods. And if this is you, I have strategies I work with you on this and it's different for everyone how we approach this.
But this is something I absolutely address because unless you're going to live your life without eating those foods that trigger you, whatever they might be, unless you want to live the rest of your life without eating those foods, it's really not helpful to cut them out, unless it's a true sensitivity or allergy, of course.
However, if it's something that in your head, you're just thinking it's bad because you want to lose weight that's something we have to work on, because the mentality of deprivation and restriction doesn't work. You've already tried that with many diets.
That's what all these other diets do. They restrict and deprive you. So you have to learn how, during weight loss how to moderate those trigger foods. And what I find with all of my clients is, once they flip that mental switch of focusing on adding nutrition to their diets instead of cutting things out the struggle they've had with those trigger foods becomes less and less because their mental time and energy is really focused on adding.
Over time they naturally find themselves eating less of those things without us really having to discuss cutting anything out. So by the end of the program, the goal is for you to have a nutrition template that is custom to you. You also have strategies for what to do when you go on vacation, when you travel, eat at a restaurant, go to a friend's house.
I think a lot of women think they can only lose weight in perfect circumstances. They can only eat at home, they can only cook all of their meals and then they let all of these other roadblocks become real roadblocks.
We got bulldozers, we got tools to get around those roadblocks. Just because you have a roadblock doesn't mean there is not a potential solution. So we're trying to look for what are those solutions, because it's not simply realistic to think those things are never going to happen.
You and I together figure out what of those strategies and solutions could possibly work for you, and part of it is really just getting you into that solution finding mode.
Most of us just stop, we break down whenever something happens and we think we can't do anything, which is just ridiculous, and we just kind of throw up the white towel and surrender. No!
We have to figure out how to get around some of those roadblocks. Does it mean that you have to let go perfectionism? Absolutely, and that's a big hurdle which leads me to pillar three, which is mindset.
Pillar three of my weight loss coaching program is mindset, and this is the biggest, biggest, biggest part of the program. You probably would never expect somebody to say that, but it really is.
Weight loss is a mental mental journey. It really is, and you know so many of the women over 35 by the time they come to work with me they feel like they have failed and many of them have self sabotaging behaviors because of that feeling of failure.
And I've shared time and again on this podcast how important your mindset is to getting the lasting transformation you want. The issue is that I can tell you exactly what to eat and what to do and what the perfect food plan is, but you won't do it.
You won't do it consistently because your mindset will get in the way at some point and I hear it all the time, Megan I know what to do, but I'm not doing it and I don't know why. This is a mindset problem.
There's a mindset block going on somewhere and usually it's not just one mindset block. There's a lot of them from all of the diet drama in history that you have with food and the relationship with your body.
There's a lot of reasons that women over 35 have these mindset blocks, and I'll give you some common ones that I hear all the time. So one is trying to be perfect all the time. Listen, no one can be perfect.
If you think you're going to be perfect, you've already set yourself up to fail by thinking that way. I had a client a while back who had to become a caregiver for a family member and she could not get past the fact that working on her breakfast was good enough.
She was just beating herself up, beating herself up, beating herself up. Doing breakfast is still better than what you were doing before, right? So we had to do a lot of coaching around that. Perfection is a mindset that runs really deep with women.
For some reason women think if they can't be perfect, they can't do anything at all. That's not true! Progress is still progress! Another is what I talked about earlier and that's a restrictive mindset. We believe that the only way we can lose weight is by cutting out foods. You know the foods that are bad for us.
We've got this list of good and bad foods in our heads, and we have this really restrictive mindset around food. The more restrictive thinking you do, the more depriving you do, the more you are guaranteed to overeat those foods. So that's something we have to work on and there's strategies to work on that.
Another is all or nothing mentality. A lot of people think in black and white terms and they're either on the wagon or they're off the wagon, and they never practice really being in between with their exercise and their nutrition and just accepting that this might be a difficult phase of life but I'm going to do the best that I can do something better than nothing.
Another mindset block is thinking you're a failure, that there's something wrong with you and beating yourself up and saying: why can't I stick with the plan? Why am I always messing up? Why don't I follow through with the commitments? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
This is what I call beating yourself up, and most women are really experts in beating themselves up. My goodness! They would never ever think about talking that way to their kids or their friends, but they are really great at doing it to themselves.
Another mindset block is giving up. Every time you feel stressed, overwhelmed, you feel a negative emotion or believing you always have to feel motivated and also avoiding difficult situations.
Avoidance is a big theme that I see. We avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid and we use food to try to help us avoid. So those are some examples of mindset blocks and I always work very heavily with you on your mindset from day one of the program because, like I say, mindset is the critical missing ingredient in all the diet programs out there.
And if we don't address your mindset and the root cause of why you really have been stuck, then any diet you do is only going to give you temporary results and I want you to have lasting results.
And the women who achieve those lasting results are the ones who do the hard work of diving into their mindset. They dive into their mindset just as much as they do with exercise and nutrition.
And when I say dive in, it doesn't mean like we have to go into like this deep counseling session. It just means we need to go through and start uncovering what's going on there.
What is some of the thinking behind some of your actions? Because there's always a thought process behind our actions. Our actions just don't happen. There is thinking behind that and a lot of us do that very subconsciously. So we want to tap into that.
We want to turn up the volume on that subconscious thinking so we can hear it and we can start reframing it. So those are the three pillars of hormonal weight loss coaching and the program is customized to you.
It's a 6-month one to one coaching program. You are working one to one with me during those 6 months and during the 6 months you and I meet every other week for our 1-hour coaching call and you always have specific action items from me that cover all of those pillars.
I know you're probably wondering well, do you have a group coaching program? I get this question a lot. I have found women do not get the same level of extraordinary transformation in a group coaching program as they do in a one to one program. That's just the bottom line and I am not about selling things just to make money.
There's a lot of these $99 or $200 group coaching programs out there and those programs just give you information, not lasting transformation. And I'm just not about that.
And you know I struggled with my weight for a really long time and I don't want to be one of these people who's just selling information. You know that's what really all these group programs are.
They get you some temporary results, you don't keep it off for good and then you're back at square one. And I'm just not about that. And honestly, you get what you pay for.
If you pay $200 for a program, the amount of transformation you will get is going to be minimal in the short-term and you also have no skin in the game for that kind of low investment program.
And I know in your mind you're thinking well, if I do nothing, then I lose very little money. So it's a very low risk investment if I only invest this low amount of money.
Listen, what is that mindset really saying? What are you really telling yourself with that kind of mindset? Because it's a reflection of your selfworth.
What you're really saying, and you don't realize it is that I'm going to fail. I don't want to hold myself accountable and I don't think I'm worthy of investing any money in myself. So I think it's safer if I don't spend any money on myself, because what if I don't bother trying? What's the consequence of that way of thinking? What's the consequence of that mindset?
That mindset is probably allowed you to sign up for a lot of these little programs that you see all over the internet and not follow through with a lot of the things in the past leading you right back to square one listening to me and this podcast.
Think about it for a second, how much money have you spent over the course of your life signing up for these low investment things that got you back to square one? You have the choice to be a transformed woman one year from now and start next year a new woman, or you can be in the exact same spot that you are in right.
The choice is yours, but what if this was the thing that turned everything around for you and you said no? What if now was your time and you didn't seize the opportunity?
I have a lot of women who meet with me in free consults and they say they can't invest in the program right now and 6 months to a year later, they come back to me and they're still in the exact same place and they're upset because they say: Megan, I should have done this a long time ago. I should have done it the first time I talked to you.
A lot of women do that and then they look back and they regret it. After they invest in themselves, start the coaching and get the help they really need, they're like. Why did I waste all that time thinking I could do it on my own? I see it all the time.
A lot of women also tell me I should just know how to do this and they really struggle hiring a coach because they have this mindset. I should just know how to do this. It's just food. I should just know how to take care of myself, but I want you to stop and think for a minute.
Is that really true that you should just know how to do this? I mean, really, is that really true? Think about all of the diet messaging that has been thrown at you since you were a child and how that's impacted your relationship with food, with your body.
Think about all the foods that are manufactured to keep you fat and overweight, that have become like the normal, like somehow I am not a normal person because I like to eat salad with tuna on it every day. I get picked on by my friends and family because they think, because I eat a lot of whole foods, natural foods.
They think that I'm somehow not normal. But I look around and I think wow a lot of the foods most people are eating, are not really normal foods. They're manufactured foods that are keeping us fat and overweight. And one really good example of this is cereal.
You probably grew up eating cereal for breakfast like I did, and cereal is a refined carbohydrate with added sugar and this refined carbohydrate spikes blood sugar, which makes you feel hungrier and eat more food all day long.
Most of you, like me, probably thought eating cereal was really normal. It's not normal. It's a manufactured, refined carbohydrate and I'm not saying cereal is bad. But I'm saying it's an example of a food that is designed in a lab by somebody with the purpose of making you want to eat it over and over again and making you eat more food. Eat more calories throughout the day.
For years, we were also told that we all needed to eat low fat because it was making us fat. What happened? America got fat from eating too many refined carbohydrates and cutting out all the fat! Heart disease and diabetes went straight up along with it.
So no, sweetheart, you aren't supposed to just know how to do this. Look at all of the diet messaging, look at all of the foods that have now become the normal. That really are not normal. You shouldn't know how to do this.
There has been a lot of bad stuff put out there and unfortunately in America especially, the public health is not a priority. Capitalism is. Making money is the priority. So when we think about our government, our government is, sponsored by special interest groups. Who has all the money? Food manufacturers are part of that.
Our government isn't really going to protect our human health. They're not going to last come out and say these are the foods you really should be eating. These are the ones you should be avoiding and unfortunately that's just the hard truth of what we're living in today.
It's so unfortunate and as nutrition practitioner, I wish they taught this stuff to kids in school, but they don't and you know what? You could change the trajectory of your kid's life just by signing up with a coach and changing all of this stuff around for you.
Think about how much less they would struggle if you took that scary leap of faith and did something great for yourself. You shouldn't just know how to do this. So stop telling yourself that. I hear that all the time. I should just know how to do this. I shouldn't have to pay somebody to tell me how to do this.
Yeah, I should just know how to do all of my accounting and taxes to run my business, but I do pay for somebody to do it for me because I don't want to have to do it.
I just want somebody to do it for me and I want somebody to guide me in my business and making some of my financial decisions. It's a lot easier when you have that guidance.
Think about it, this mindset that a lot of women have in the long run, it just doesn't serve you in keeping your weight off for life. The goal is not just to rip a bunch of weight off of you, it's to actually create a lifestyle that you can do for the rest of your life.
And if you have these type of mindsets that I'm talking about, then think about this in the long term. If you want to keep your weight off for the rest of your life, you want to transform your relationship with your body, food and your mind then having this type of mindset, is not going to help you in keeping your weight off for life and probably explains a lot about why you're stuck.
Remember I said mindset is the critical missing ingredient in diet and weight loss programs. And if you want true transformation, you've got to have some skin in the game. You need to hold yourself accountable, and when we invest in a $200 program it's kind of like throw away money, for most people.
Oh well, if I don't do anything with it or I don't get anything out of it, then I don't really lose anything. It's only $200. That's not holding yourself accountable! I truly think coaching is so much more about accountability, support, guidance, clarity and personally I do really well with external accountability.
You know, before I hired a business coach a couple of years ago, I wasn't really holding myself accountable, but now I have a deadline from my business coach and she holds me accountable and I still have to show up and do the work.
It's so much easier for me to not give up when I have somebody checking in on me. And I find this to be really true with clients, because they have that accountability, they know they've got to check-in with me.
Your success rate is going to dramatically increase when you have to be accountable to somebody and, like a group program, you you can very easily kind of disappear in the background and nobody really holds you accountable.
So to me you have no skin in the game and unless you take that leap of faith, get some skin in the game, you're not going to push yourself or you're not going to hold yourself accountable. And if you're somebody who's saying I'm going to just figure this out on on my own, you need to be thinking about this.
How are you going to hold yourself accountable? Because you're probably not holding yourself accountable to yourself today, and that's a problem. So who is hormone weight loss coaching for?
This program is for women over 35 who are committed to losing weight for good. I have female clients who range from age 35 all the way up to 73. Yes! I have clients and they're 70's transforming!
It's amazing and it truly is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to make a change in your life and go after your dreams ladies! This program is again for women over 35 who want to lose weight for good, who are serious about transforming.
You're ready to do what it takes to end the struggle. You're no longer willing to make excuses, you're ready to take charge of your weight, you're ready to get the accountability and support.
You're ready and willing to invest in yourself, your health and your future. And if this is you and you're ready to do this for the last time, then schedule a free 30 minute call with me and let's talk about your weight loss plan. That's all I have for you guys today. I'll talk to you soon!
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