How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days! Today I'm sharing with you 10 ways to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
These methods are guaranteed to help you shed weight and jumpstart your weight loss journey!
In this Dish On Ditching Diets podcast episode, I share with you the 10 ways to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
If you are looking for a way to kickstart your journey, this podcast episode is for you!

Also, you will hear why sustainability is so critical in your weight loss journey and how our brains are wired for instant gratification.
This causes many women over 35 to look for quick fixes like detoxes, sugar challenges, bootcamps, meal replacements and other unsustainable programs to appease the need for instant gratification.
But the harsh truth is if you can't do something until you are 85 years old, it will not be something sustainable.
Why should you care about something being sustainable in your weight loss journey?
So that you can keep the weight off permanently! Remember, if you can't cut out sugar or follow a detox until you are 85 years old the weight will come back.
You must care about sustainability in your weight loss journey along with hormone health, metabolic health not to mention your relationship with food.
This episode is so good and packed with information that will hopefully, open your eyes to the best sustainable weight loss approach for you!
Listen now for how to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
In this Dish On Ditching Diets Podcast Episode, You Will Hear:
- 10 Methods To Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days
- Why Sustainability Is Critical In Your Weight Loss Journey
- Why You Must Care About Sustainability, Hormone Health, Metabolic Health & Your Relationship With Food
- How Your Brain Looks For Instant Gratification
- Understanding Dopamine In Your Weight Loss Journey
- How Unsustainable Methods Create Unsustainable Results
Never Miss An Episode! Subscribe to the Dish On Ditching Diets Podcast on Apple, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify or Amazon Music
Related Dish On Ditching Diets Podcast Episodes
- 5 Basics Of Weight Loss
- Why Weight Loss Is So Hard
- All Or Nothing Thinking
- Restricting Food Guarantees Overeating
- The Diet Mentality
- How To Lose Weight Fast
- 7 Signs You Should Not Be Dieting
Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days Podcast Episode Transcript
Hello friends! I hope you had a happy holiday! I’m actually recording this episode right before New Years of 2023, so we are marching into 2024.
It’s that time of year where I’m sure many of you are wanting to do something to improve your health, lose some body fat, feel better, fit in your clothes better, have more energy, etc.
The good news is I’m here to help you reach your goals once and for all!
So today, I thought I’d share some groundbreaking strategies with you. These are ten ways to lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
This will jumpstart your progress so you can get some immediate wins and kickstart your journey. I’m sure this is exactly what you are looking for.
So, without further ado, let me share the 10 ways to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. I call this the 10 by 10 method.
This method is guaranteed to help you shed 10 pounds in 10 days. The only way it doesn’t work is if you don’t execute. Here we go!
Method number one is the starve yourself method. Eat 500 calories for 2 days then eat nothing for the remaining 8 days.
Method number two is the sweat method. Lock yourself in a sauna for as long as possible. Whenever you are not in the sauna, layer on and wear as many clothes as possible including a hat so you sweat as much as possible.
Method number three is one meal a day. Instead of eating 3 meals a day, you eat one meal a day that’s 250 calories. No snacking, no drinking other than water.
The key is your one meal can only be 250 calories. That’s all. If you get hungry, drink some water.
Method number four is the spoiled food method. Only eat foods that are spoiled so that it makes you sick.
Sick to the point where you vomit, have diarrhea or food poisoning. That way you will most definitely lose weight on the scale because you will be too sick to eat.
Method number five is the limb method. This is the fastest method of them all. Simply have one of your legs amputated.
You still have the other leg so no big deal. If not your leg, then maybe amputate an arm or two.
Method number six is the 3 snacks a day method. You can eat three snacks a day. Each snack can only be 100 calories. If you get hungry, again drink some water.
Method number seven is the water method. This is where you stop drinking water.
Humans can only survive for 3 days without water, but you will likely lose at least 5 pounds before you get to the third day so it’s not a problem.
Method number eight is the cardio method. This is where you do as much cardio as possible and it can’t be walking. Walking isn’t good enough.
You must do high impact cardio like running, cycling, HIIT, elliptical something like that and you must do the cardio for as many hours a day possible. Only stop doing cardio to go the bathroom and go to sleep.
Method number nine is the fasting method also known as the breatharian method. This method is where you simply live off air.
You fast all the time. No food, no water is allowed. If you can sustain yourself on nothing more than air, you will certainly lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
Method number ten is the cut carbs method. This is where you cut all carbs even healthy carbs like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and lentils, etc.
You can only eat 20 carbs or less a day and you can only eat 1,000 calories a day.
Now if you haven’t already figured it out, please don’t do any of these things.
Hear me clearly, I am not recommending you do any of these things in case that was not abundantly clear.
Those of you who know me or who have worked with me before know I would never recommend any of these things ever.
Now the real issue is this. You keep seeking fast results and extreme methods that will never work long-term. I get it. It sounds appealing.
Losing 10 pounds in 10 days grabs your attention and it touches on the human desire for instant gratification.
We want results and we want them now. However, you will never accomplish your goal of permanent weight loss unless you stop trying to shortcut the process.
You must play the long game. I have a phrase I always say on here and to clients.
If you can’t do whatever it is you’re doing to lose weight until you’re 85 years old, then you are guaranteed to gain the weight back.
Stop trying to shortcut the process. Play the long game.
You must care about sustainability, you must prioritize your hormonal health, metabolic health, mental and emotional health, you must view this as a lifelong pursuit and not something you just do for 10 days, 10 weeks or 10 months.
Remember what you do to attain your results, is what you’ll need to do to sustain your results.
Keep this in mind the next time you feel the urge to do another fad diet, to cut out carbs and sugar, to fast all day or to jump on the next diet bandwagon like Optavia or weight loss drugs like Ozempic.
You want real, forever lasting results you have to get real with yourself. You will forever be on this diet bandwagon if you don’t get honest with yourself about the unsustainable methods you keep trying to shortcut the process.
There is no shortcut to this process.
You have bariatric surgery. Great! How will you keep the weight off?
Unless you change your lifestyle – your diet, your activity, your mindset – unless you change those things all the weight will come back and all you will have left is a scar on your body and hefty medical bill.
You do weight loss drugs like Ozempic. Great!
How will you keep the weight off when you stop taking them?
All the weight will come back unless you’re on the drugs for life. You still need to change your lifestyle and habits.
So, unless you’re signing up to be on a weight loss drug for life why are you doing it in the first place?
Because the weight will just come back. Stop fooling yourself.
Now, many of you understood the direction I was going with my 10 methods to losing 10 pounds in 10 days after hearing the first and second methods.
You understood that me saying losing 10 pounds in 10 days was probably not what I was really about to tell you to do.
The reality is this, this is how human psychology works. You get pulled in by the anticipation and excitement of reaching a goal like losing 10 pounds in 10 days.
That is what dopamine, a neurotransmitter in our brain does. Dopamine is an anticipatory neurotransmitter which means it gets you really excited about the result.
So, when you hear lose 10 pounds in 10 days it triggers that dopamine response in your brain that drives you to take action.
For many of you, you are listening to this podcast today because you read the title.
Lose 10 pounds in 10 days and dopamine triggered you to listen because of the excitement around the possibility of accomplishing a 10 pounds loss so quickly.
There is nothing wrong if you did that. My intent with doing this, was to make you more aware.
My intent was to help you become more aware because we are entering a season where real dumb things are about to be marketed to you promising you things that will sound very similar to the things I promised you with this 10 by 10 method.
You are about to see weight loss detoxes, challenges and diets that promise fast results but are totally unsustainable.
Yet, you cannot stop your brain from releasing dopamine because when you read that hook, or headlines, the anticipation or possibility of that result will trigger that dopamine response and dopamine will cause you to take action to try to obtain the result.
So, you will feel like you want to do the unsustainable diet things because of that dopamine response in your brain. You will feel pulled into that.
Trust me, this is not a criticism. It’s to help you become aware of how your brain works and how you easy it can be for you to get hooked into doing stupid methods and diets. This is human nature.
You have to be aware of how your brain is wired. So, when you catch yourself moving towards something that seems too good to be true, a little red flag goes off and you’re like wait a minute.
I see myself moving towards this thing that seems way too good to be true.
Let me pause, think this through logically. Is this something I will be able to do until I’m 85 years old?
Am I going to be able to cut out all sugar, never eat a carb or eat pizza again until I’m 85 years old? If not, then I probably shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.
Let me come to a logical conclusion that this is not the thing for me.
It’s so important to be aware of dopamine and how it causes you to do things even when you know better.
It’s because you’re already probably in a vulnerable place and then you get this promise of a jumpstart and then you think if I could just jumpstart and get some results, I’ll feel so much better and then I can work on the lifestyle and habits.
But you talk yourself into doing these things by convincing yourself that you need a jumpstart.
That’s why you do dumb diet things even when you know better. That’s why you sign up for fad diets even when you know better.
That’s why you sign up for unsustainable protocols even when you know better. So, be aware and understand what’s happening in your brain when you fall for these things but you know better.
I know what you’re thinking coming out of the holiday season. You’re feeling fat, bloated, clothes are a little tighter, you’re now wanting to do something extreme.
Cut your carbs, cut your sugar, cut your calories, do Whole30, eat clean, do a cleanse, do a detox, fast, do a sugar challenge. You don’t need to do any of that.
All you need to do is get back to the basics. I spoke about the 5 basics of weight loss in podcast episode 102. Get back to the basics.
Eating a high protein breakfast, drinking your water, focusing on your protein and fiber in your meals, getting your daily steps, doing a few sessions of strength training each week, getting yourself to sleep.
That’s all you need to do. You don’t need to do extreme and drastic things.
And if you are just starting out, start with just one habit. Not all of them. This is a mistake most individuals make. I cannot stress this enough.
What most individuals do is they try to change everything at once and then they get mad at themselves that they couldn’t sustain all the changes.
Our brains simply cannot handle a lot of change at once so if you want to make something sustainable for life then you must slow down and make one small change at a time.
You must accept this, or you just will forever be dieting and chasing weight loss.
And the last thing you don’t need to do is be a jerk to yourself and talk negative to yourself and put yourself down and berate yourself because that will never help you my dear.
Be nice to yourself. Have some kindness and compassion.
I want to share with you a letter I received from a client who graduated from my program August of 2023. Her name is Lisa and she says…
It is so hard to understand the patience needed to do this and it seems like making these changes will take FOREVER but when you look up at how far you can get in a year, the time isn’t an obstacle.
When you actually do it, with your support, the results are amazing. I’m down about 10 pounds and several inches and it’s holding.
My journal indicates it’s been about a year since I started. I can’t even imagine not eating plenty of protein and fiber now. I feel so much better and I’m learning to trust myself.
I love that your approach is to teach and then send us on our way. I’m not dependent on any diet or scheme or program or person to do this. It’s me and it's empowering. Thank you. Lisa
Now that’s what my client Lisa said, and you know the interesting thing is, Lisa was convinced when she began working with me that nothing would work for her. She didn’t have much weight to lose.
She was working out and had tracked her calories before, but she was so convinced she would never lose body fat and feel good.
That simply was not true. There were several things Lisa was missing and once we filled in those missing pieces things began to come together for her.
But the thing for her was understanding that she needed to play the long game in order to make it sustainable.
That is something many of you need to come to terms with. If you’ve had 5 years or 10 years or 50 years of living your life a certain way, it’s going to take time.
While you’re doing the work, you are going to feel day to day like you’re not making that much progress, but then like Lisa said, one day you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. Time no longer is an obstacle.
So, no more detoxes, challenges, Whole30’s, bootcamps, cutting carbs, starving yourself or doing extreme things. Mmk? Make this year the year of you!
As always, if you need support and guidance, schedule a free consultation to see if 6-month nutrition counseling is for you! I’ll talk to you soon.
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