The dangers of the carnivore diet and why you should avoid it at all costs despite what your doctor says.
Recently, a follower of mine on Instagram messaged me that her friend wanted to lose weight and her doctor told her to do carnivore because she needed to "shock her body because her body was holding onto weight."
If this isn't the biggest bullshit advice by a lazy doctor I do not know what is.
Unfortunately, I have had hundreds of women over 35 work with me in my weight loss program whose doctor advised them to do something stupid like this with their diet.
Doctors should be referring their patients out to a nutritionist instead of telling them to do a diet that will be dangerous to their health.
Please remember doctors only receive two classes in medical school on nutrition. You would never go to a dentist to fix a broken bone so going to your regular doctor for nutrition advice is very silly.
There is an entire field of nutritionists for a reason and if you have been struggling with your weight and nutrition for some time, the responsible thing to do is to get help from someone who is in the nutrition field.
Doing an extreme diet, like carnivore, can actually be detrimental to your health.
Unfortunately, many women over 35 I believe are so desperate for weight loss results they fall into the trap of doing extreme diets to achieve immediate results.