If there's one thing I hear from people, it's that being healthy is hard. This message rang loud and clear a few weeks ago when a client was explaining how frustrated she was that she couldn't cook, meal prep, exercise, cut out soda and fast food and do everything her life demanded at the same time.
It's true. Being healthy is hard. You have to make a conscious effort to do it and be ready to embrace it too. But maybe, just maybe it doesn't have to be that hard. Here are 5 Simple Ways To Make Healthy Habits That Last.
Change Your Expectations
We live in a fast fix world. We expect everything right now, right this second. Modern medicine doesn't help this either. We believe everything is curable with a pill or surgery, but when it comes to health that's not the case. Everyone knows that in order to healthy you have to exercise and have good eating habits, yet most people don't do this. Why? Because our expectation is that it should be quick.
Losing weight, getting healthy IS NOT easy. Change your expectations, stop trying to be perfect and accept that it will take time, hard work and unwavering commitment. Isn't that true of everything you've accomplished in life? Then why would you expect anything different from your body.
It's Not All Or Nothing
Many times we think it has to be all or nothing. It's OKAY to take baby steps. Let's say you want to give up soda. Instead of going cold turkey, try switching from regular soda to diet soda first.
You'll still fulfill your craving but for a lot less caffeine, sugar and calories. While diet soda may not be the epiphany of health, it's a lot easier to transition slowly from regular soda to diet then diet to something else than to go cold turkey all at once. Transitions that are slow are more likely to have lasting effects.
Make Your Commitment REAL
When you commit to making a change, make the commitment real. Don't just do it for a day or a week. Commit to it for a minimum of six weeks.
Then ask yourself, how am I feeling since switching to diet soda? Do I feel better? Try drinking a regular soda and see how it makes you feel. By the way, I've done this and it feels horrible. The point is make your commitment real and tell people about it too so they hold you to it!
Do ONE Thing At A Time
People give up because they try to do too much at one time. Maybe you don't have time to do full blown meal prep every week. So what? That's okay! Focus on doing one healthy thing at a time. When I began losing weight, the one and only thing I focused on was walking 20 minutes a day. That's it! As time went on, I added more things.
By implementing one thing, there's less change for you to adjust to making it a lot easier to stick with it. Over time, one healthy change becomes so routine you forget you're doing it. That's the point when you can add another new change. Over time those changes have a big impact which leads me to the next point.
Small Changes, Big Rewards
We often overlook the value of a small change in our lives because we don't see an immediate return on investment. Ever wonder how something as small as a snowflake can end up making the biggest pile of white fluff? Your body is like a pile of snow. It takes years (lots of snowflakes) of poor eating habits and inactivity for it to unravel from the healthy state you were born as. Conversely, the reverse is true. Something as simple as walking five minutes a day can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. That's a small change that has a huge impact on your health!
Sam @ PancakeWarriors says
Love these tips and habits really are the key to success. You can't just expect to one day be great at any of this, it's overwhelming at times. But little steps are the best! Love your 6 week minimum, I might be implementing that for myself 🙂
Megan says
Thanks girl! I have to remind myself too. You are not alone with the overwhelming part. I think it applies to many aspects of our lives.
Chris says
I think the two most important points you make go together - it isn't all or nothing and to do one thing at a time. Trying to cut out some bad habits while incorporating other good ones can get overwhelming pretty quickly. Do one, then onto the next once the old habit goes away.
Megan says
You're right, many of them go hand-in-hand. It's hard for us as healthy living people to remember how hard it is for people just starting out.
neil@neilshealthymeals.com says
Excellent post Megan. You're so right, so many people try to do it all at one, like a "New Years Resolution" in one big bang, and fail. Small steps, small changes are the key. Once these foundations have been built, it's easier to build on them and a healthy life becomes the norm. 🙂
Megan says
Yes Neil! I fear too many people expect quick fixes because modern medicine gives us pills to cure everything. Our health isn't that way.
Taylor says
I just posted about small changes that can create big results on my blog today! I am starting with flavoring my water (cucumber, lemon, berries, mint, etc) this week when I am at home so I drink more water. For some reason I have no problem drinking it at work, but forget sometimes when I am at home.
Megan says
I love flavoring water. I need to swing by and check out your post!
Kinzie Harvell says
I agree, babysteps. I found that the more I read and educate myself about the body the more interesting it becomes and the more important it is to me! Find something that interest you about exercising or nutrition and become a lifelong learner of how to nourish your body!
Megan says
Educating yourself is so important. I couldn't agree with you more on this point!
Michelle @thedogtribe says
I love the way you make a healthy lifestyle more accessible with these tips.
Megan says
Thanks Michelle!
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
It's all about building the foundations. And that means making the changes sustainable!
Megan says
You are so smart! 😉
Kelli @ Hungry Hobby says
Love this! It doesn't have to be an overhaul on your life it's always a work in progress!
Megan says
Thanks Kelli & thanks for the link love too girl!
Liz @ I Heart Vegetables says
These are SUCH great tips! Healthy habits can feel kind of overwhelming sometimes but it really is just lots of small steps at a time!
Megan says
You are so right Liz! It's a marathon, not a sprint.