Hi Friends! We're driving home from San Diego today, but before we hit the road I want to share something exciting that's starting tomorrow! The Dish On Ditching Diets!
A 3 part video series where I'm going to be giving you the "dish" on sugar cravings and staying consistent and motivated with your health goals. The best part? It's FREE!

Many readers and followers have told me recently they've fallen off the wagon. Whether they're maintaining their weight, trying to lose weight, reducing sugar cravings or just trying to eat healthy, they struggle BIG time staying consistent and not backsliding.
They also struggle with burnout, boredom eating the same things over and over again, sugar cravings, not wanting to count macros, eating more protein and veggies, and pairing their foods the right way. Sound like you? If it does, it's ok! There's light at the end of the tunnel.
Summer is the hardest time of year for people to stick to their goals. The good news is our bodies are dynamic not static - meaning they bounce back easily and adapt. But you have to be committed to your goals! As long as you are 100% heart and soul committed, then it will happen.
If you're ready to start, then sign up because I have the solution for you in this 3 part video series. Videos will be sent to your inbox starting August 22nd so make sure you check your spam because you don't want to miss out on what I'm going to share with you!
I'm also going to tell you in the video series how you can get a guaranteed spot in the 14 day sugar challenge FREE!
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