Are you eating too much? If you're not reaching your weight loss goals, chances are you're overeating.
Before I lost 80 pounds in 2009, I was astounded by how much food I was eating and not even realizing it. I thought I was eating healthy, but once I truly started monitoring what I ate, I realized I was eating too much.
More so, I was eating healthy foods but eating TOO many of them. One tablespoon of peanut butter, two tablespoons and suddenly I ate half the jar. While peanut butter is healthy, it is very calorie dense and when you're trying to lose weight, this is important.
Also, the foods I thought were so called "healthy" weren't as healthy as I thought. Tons of hidden added sugar in foods labeled as healthy that caused significant problems for my Hashimoto's disease and disrupted my fragile hormones.
While I LOVE that so many people are promoting mindfulness, listening to your body and hunger cues these days, I know from years of coaching clients that this isn't a realistic starting place for those transitioning to a healthier lifestyle or trying to lose weight. And hey...67% of Americans are overweight. I'm pretty sure they're listening to their bodies already so those words just doesn't work or we wouldn't have this many people overweight.
Those who are obese and struggling to lose weight are leptin resistant (something I teach in the 14 day sugar challenge) and unless this hormone is addressed nutritionally and in terms of lifestyle, telling someone they just need to "listen to their body" is a bunch of crap. Sorry not so sorry.
Before you can "listen to your body," you have to balance your hormones. Then you have to learn what a half cup of rice looks like and practice it over and over for weeks, months and sometimes years. The same is true of every food you put in your mouth. It's a process.
Portions and balancing my plate was the MOST VALUABLE thing I learned during my weight loss. But I learned it the hard way. I wish I had someone like me who would've told me this straight up when I was trying to lose weight as a teenager.
In my group coaching, I teach you how to track your macros to eat the right portions and foods that align with your goals PLUS I coach you on how to stop giving into urges that don't serve your goals.
Download this FREE food tracking guide to start tracking your food to learn how much you're eating now. Tracking food is how I lost 80 pounds in 2009. If I can do it, so can you!
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